Thank you to President Hakainde Hichilema & Hon Cornelius Mweetwa MP- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba wrote…

Thank you to President Hakainde Hichilema & Hon Cornelius Mweetwa MP

One Zambia, One Nation

By Emmanuel Mwamba

Today my family spent time attending the funeral and burial of the late Pastor, Dr. Sylvester Leeds Chilimba Hamavwa in Kazungula Village near Hamapande Rural Health Centre In Monze.

My young brother Cornelius, is married to one of the daughters of Dr. Hamavwa.

Most members of my family left yesterday but I chose to leave from Lusaka to Monze very early today.

When I shared this bereavement with some of my colleagues,they advised that probably I let my family represent me or alternatively go with “heavy security” to Monze.

I chose none of that but chose to go with my wife and son, and no single “security”.

After reaching Monze town around 06;50hrs we branched off to a directed 30km gravel road to take us to headman Hamavwa’s village. Oh my! Didnt we miserably got lost!

This is even after getting directions from various people and with the help of the Global Positioning System (GPS).

We lost over 3hrs as we meandered in forests, villages and plains in the unexpected misadenture!

Finally when we found the road with the help of a motorbike rider, we arrived and immediatel were met by a lot of people, cars and heavy security detail.

And the Presidential Helicopter was already parked in the open field.

President Hakainde Hichilema had just arrived.

President Hichilema was leading hundreds of mourners that had gathered for the funeral of Dr. Hamavwa.

A lot of UPND party leaders quickly recognised me and graciously welcomed me.

Soon I was ushered in to see my dear brother, host and Provincial Minister Hon. Cornelius Mweetwa. He was gracious to allow me to greet the Head of State.

At the gathering and during the procession, Hon. Mweetwa recognised me in the salutation and called me to greet and speak to the people.

I used the opportunity and honour to thank President Hichilema and the UPND for receiving me and giving me assurance of my safety and security.

I also talked about the importance of loving one another in unity despite our political diversity.

I called for the conduct of decent politics and stated that there was no space for tribalism in our politics especially because of inter-marriages that have occured since 1964.

Later in his speech, President Hichilema took time to give me special recognition.

President Hichilema spoke about the importance of the family unit and the Zambian family in general.

He called for peace and unity in the nation. He condemned political violence especially as occurred under the former ruling party, the Patriotic Front Government.

In his speech, President Hichilema used me and my presence at the funeral as testimony of the environment he is promoting to foster peace and unity in the nation.

He said peace and unity was a fundamental pre-requisite to push for national development.

He also informed the mourners that Dr. Hamavwa and Headman Hamavwa were his uncles.

I would like to thank President Hichilema for his kind words and gesture and for his speech aimed at promoting national unity especially as demonstrated at this funeral.

I also truly enjoyed the songs and warrior dances that occassionally graced the speeches.

In his entourage, President Hichilema was accompanied by the First Lady. Mama Muyinta Hichilema, Minister of Home Affairs, Hon. Jack Mwiimbu, Minister of Mines and Minerals Development, Hon. Paul Kabuswe and Patriotic Front Mafinga MP, Hon. Robert Chawinga.

There were also numerous officials including MPs, Senior Government officials, Council Chairpersons and Councillors.

Clearly we gave Dr. Hamavwa a decent and colourful send-off.

Further I would like to sincerely thank Hon. Cornelius Mweetwa for showing leadership, tolerance and for taking it upon himself to recognise me and grant me a protocal officer.

This is as it should be.

We are One Zambia, One Nation.

We can co-exist in diversity as we promote democracy and divergent views.


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