By Kennedy Gondwe

The Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) is stuck with a $1.1m debt python that’s constricting its financial life away after Fifa found the body guilty of wrongfully dispensing away with the services of Croatian coach Aljoša Asanović a couple of years go.

Lest we forget, when Asanović was shown the exit door, he at some point offered FAZ an escape route of $40,000 but the body was adamant it’s him who owed for going Awol. Had FAZ agreed to pay him that amount, that would have been case closed.

He then took the matter to Fifa where FAZ lost and were ordered to pay him $1.1million! FAZ then felt hard done by and protested the case to Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) where they again lost.

Here below are abstracts of Fifa communication with FAZ including one letter:

22 August 2023

“…we regret having to inform you that we are not in a position to provide you
with the motivated decision and that, consequently, the decision has become final and binding.’

4th March 2024
‘….the findings of which were notified to the parties concerned on 8 August 2023.

‘… In the event that such payment is still not made by the FAZ until the next distribution of the
development funding by FIFA, a further and more severe restriction will be imposed.’


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