The 1941 Agreement signed to settle the dispute between the Barotse Native Government and the Balovale Chiefs


Emmanuel Mwamba
Found this interesting.

The 1941 Agreement signed to settle the dispute between the Barotse Native Government and the Balovale Chiefs.

The Agreement alienated Northwestern Province(Balovale District) and restated the autonomy and independence of Lunda-Luvale Chiefs from the Litunga and the BRE.

Earlier ordinances were signed to set up native courts in Barotseland including Balovale District.

The Lunda and Luvale rejected the jurisdiction and extent of this courts in their lands.

A Commission was set up by the Crown led by High Court Judge Phillip McDonnell. The King’s Commission established that the lands in the Balovale Districts doesn’t belong to the Malozi.

Hence the 1941 Agreement.

The Agreement was signed by; His Majesty the Crown on one side and the Litunga, Yeta III on the other.

The Acting Governor of Mongu and Balovale signed on behalf of the Crown.



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