The Church Mustn’t Entangle Itself With Politics


By Prince Bill M. Kaping’a Political/Social Analyst

Following their meeting with former president Edgar Lungu in Lusaka the other day, Archbishop Dr Alick Banda and Emeritus Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu raised some interesting issues that immediately caught our attention.

While Bishop Banda intimated that the meeting was intended to dispel rumours and innuendos that the church was divided; on the other hand, Archbishop Mpundu emphasized that the church’s mandate is to stand with and speak for the voiceless in society. He reiterated the church’s commitment to serve the community, noting that they must work together to address issues affecting the nation.

What do we make of this?

During the PF regime, the church……..particularly the Catholic church and “pentes” were extremely divided. Some of the adherents became so radicalized in their support for a particular leader to the extent of christening themselves as “Christians for so and so!”

Was he ‘demi god’ of some kind to warranty a following of that kind from gullible believers?

Anyway, the clergy must appreciate that since each of us are created in a unique way representing God’s image, we shouldn’t be expected to share the same preferences. This equally applies to politics…..while some individuals might be excited with what Peter Sinkamba’s Green Party stands for, others may be attracted to UNIP for its impeccable record!

It would therefore be folly for pastors or priests to expect their church members to ‘blindly’ support their preferred political candidates simply because they’re beneficiaries of nchekeleko (brown envelopes) or happen to share a few drinks with them. Church members aren’t toddlers! These are adults with lucid mental faculties capable of arriving at their own decisions. These are some of the issues that are contributing to divisions in the Church.

We totally agree with Archbishop Mpundu when he says the church’s mandate is to stand with and speak for the voiceless in our communities. Immediately the Church deliberately chooses to become blind to the injustices of our people and instead elects to kowtow to those in authority in exchange for 3 pieces, it immediately loses its moral ground to speak for our people. And when such a thing occurs, just know we are in big problems. Citizens are in their own……they’re left with no one to turn to for moral guidance.

In conclusion, we don’t expect the church to side with any political party at any particular time. Instead, the Church must endeavour to remain neutral and while not neglecting its Biblical mandate of caring for the poor and tackling injustice wherever and in whatever form it may present itself.


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