The KAMPYONGO’s case continues as ACC did not submit all evidence in the case of Former Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo and wife


The KAMPYONGO’s case continues

… ACC did not submit all evidence in the case of Former Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo and wife….

Court News, 13th June, 2023

The Anti Corruption Commission senior investigation officer today told the court that the commission saw it unnecessary to issue summons to a Mr Van Blake who sold Mr and Mrs Kampyongo bare land located in Eureka.

During cross examination, by defense lawyer Mr Leon Lemba of Mulungushi Chambers, the ACC officer stated that during investigations the commission had challenges meeting with the seller Mr Blake but only managed to meet with an assistant to his lawyers and during this meeting the commission obtained a copy of the land sale agreement which gave details of the cost of the land and how much has been paid.

Mr Lemba pointed out to the witness that with her testimony the court now has two conflicting amounts as to how much has been paid by the two accused to Mr Van Blake and if the said document was brought before court it would have put to rest the conflicting testimonies of either $1400 or $142,000 being paid.

“Witness where is the said document that you obtained from this assistant to Mr Van Blake’s lawyers?”

Witness: The document is in our custody.

He further questioned why the document was not submitted before court and why summons were not issued.

The witness said because the document was only a copy and it was not necessary to issue the summons as she was informed by his lawyers that Mr Van Blake was unwell.

The matter has since been adjourned to tomorrow 14th June, 2023 for continuation.


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