The Msanzala Formula


The Msanzala Formula
By Dickson Jere

About 420 kilometers east of the capital, Lusaka lies a rural constituency called Msanzala. It is situated in the newly created district of Lusangazi just next to Petauke where the Nsenga speaking people live. Gerry Lintini – Chief Nyampande – is a new generation of traditional leaders presiding over that land.

Good things are happening in that rural constituency but quietly – thanks to the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) – and the increment in the funds by the new government. CDF was increased from 1.6 million in 2021 to 28.3 million in 2023 in the national budget per constituency.

“We have exhausted entire CDF budget of 2022 and we are now focused on 2023,” says Chief Nyampande who has personal direct involvement in the CDF projects.

The Chief says he has made it clear to everyone that partisan politics is long gone until 2026 when the country have next general elections. The Chief has a point given the composition of his constituency.

“The MP is from PF but the Council chairman is UPND. I have six PF councillors, two UPND councillors and three independent councillors in one constituency,” the Chief says, while admitting that it was difficult in the beginning to bring them together.

Schools, teachers houses and health centers have been constructed in record time while roads are being upgraded using the CDF funds.

Area Member of Parliament Elias Daka is equally seeing positive changes in his rural constituency.

“The Secret is also on tenders. We are trying to have realistic costs for the project,” Daka says, adding that being a constructor himself has helped cut on exaggerated costs of building.

For example, a complete three classroom block has been constructed at the cost of K500,000 while the constructors were bidding for over K1 million for the same project.

“We have drilled 33 boreholes and equipped from the CDF,” he says, adding that many rural residents have now access to clean water.

Msanzala is good example on how traditional leaders can help bring political players together for the good of the country and development. Chief Nyampande is showing leadership and being on the Centre on the development plan.

Picture below is Msanzala MP Elias Daka, Dickson Jere and Chief Nyampande (in white).


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