George Sichula NDC Copperbelt Provincial Chairperson

For Immediate Release


Chingola 13:07:21

George Sichula
NDC Copperbelt Province chairman.

It is laughable to see the PF Government showing care and concern to civil servants a month before elections. Iam pretty sure that this Government thinks that by carrying the burden of debts for civil servants through debt swaps will make them garner civil service support in the forthcoming elections. In a long time, the Government workers have been demanding for salary increments following the high cost of living but to no avail. The PF Government never listened but today they want their support. In bemba they say ” ubucenjeshi bwankoko pumgwa tasakamana”. Amano yalubuli yesa ngabakuma. Do they really think that the civil servants will support the PF after the debt swap announcement? What a cheap way of thinking!

Not long ago, the PF Government announced the opening of Mulungushi Textiles in Kabwe. We all know that it opens whenever there are elections and closes after elections. Their focus is only winning elections and not changing peoples lives. It is wickedness to use Mulungushi textiles to convince those people with weak faith looking for jobs. Right now as we speak they are telling farmers that they will be given jobs to supply wool. I dont think the people of Kabwe can stoop so low by falling into the PF campaign trap. Everyone is aware that the PF have failed to improve the lives of the Zambian people. How can the PF create jobs in two months before elections which they have failed to create in the last eight years?

We are fully aware that they have difficulties campaigning in towns because of social media. Its like everywhere the people are speaking the same language. Their concentration is now in the villages hoping to get votes but little do they know that the UPND Alliance is everywhere you go.

The UPND Alliance under President Hakainde Hichilema is 1000 miles ahead of them. We pray for Edgar lungu’s honourable exit or else it will be a vulnerable exit.


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