The silent protest by PF MPs in Parliament is called ‘Hon Nickson Chilangwa Sitting Protest’- Hon Mundubile



……says the Civility of the PF MPs must not be mistaken to be a weakness.

Lusaka……..Saturday, July 22nd 2023 [SMART EAGLES].

The silent protest which has been exhibited by the Patriotic Front Members in Parliament in the last two days is called the ‘Hon Nickson Chilangwa Sitting Protest’.

Leader of Opposition Hon Brian Mundubile has confirmed this at a media Briefing in Lusaka today.

Hon Mundubile said the Protest has been necessitated by the manner the house was been handled.

Hon Mundubile said second deputy Speaker Moses Moyo has been unfair to the opposition Members of parliament

He said despite several attempts to engage the Presiding officers, nothing has changed.

The Leader of Opposition said if the trend continues, the opposition MPs will bring order to the house.

In the last two days, Opposition MPs have not been posing questions on the floor of the house.

And Hon Mundubile said what was agreed was to allow only UPND MPs to participate in Parliament to see if they would be allowed to do so freely without being stopped by the Presiding officers, a situation which transpired.

“Sitting as leader of Opposition and the whips, we have had a lot of pressure from the Members on the treatment that we have been receiving. MPs are responsible citizens, representatives of the people. To come to parliament to be reduced to a school boy because Comrade Moses Moyo feels like saying anything is simply unacceptable. We have to remind you that we are senior MPs, we were hoping by now you could have learnt…. During the last Parliament, Speaker Matibini respected the channels of handling members in the house,. Calling out names for Members of Parliament is a new practice that we have seen now,” he said.

Meanwhile, Hon Mundubile has noted that it is only in Zambia where presiding officers speak more than the Members of Parliament.

He said the Civility of Opposition MPs must not be mistaken as a weakness.

“If we were not civilised, we can cause chaos everyday. Our silence and respect should not be taken for granted. The rules for debating in the house, must ensure that the information is true and factual. In this house, the Presiding officers are the ones going against the standing orders. When will capacity ever be built at parliament. Even when the house has fallen into contempt, we have fallen out.

I refuse to be part of a class of Cowards. Why should he send shivers in everybody. They do not want PF members who have the expertise in particular fields to speak in that regard. Abantu benu balamitina, ama judgement nomba they leave much to be desired. Ifyakuisangula Muli bu lesa bunono fikamiletelela,” he said.


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