THERE SHOULD BE NO QUESTION ABOUT ESTHER KEEPING $400,000I … let’s not degenerate into poverty mentality –lawyer Makebi Zulu

Senior Counsel Makebi Zulu

THERE SHOULD BE NO QUESTION ABOUT ESTHER KEEPING $400,000 – MAKEBI … let’s not degenerate into poverty mentality

Former first lady Esther Lungu’s lawyer, Makebi Zulu, says there should be no question about Esther or any other person keeping $400,000 in the house, “unless we are going to degenerate into the poverty mentality.”

And Zulu said the fact that police and Home Affairs minister Jack Mwiimbu gave different reasons for the investigations against Esther clearly shows that politicians were the ones pushing the whole scam.

Asked by Daily Revelation on why anybody would be keeping $400,000 in the house, Zulu described the same as a non-issue.

“The question is why shouldn’t anybody keep that kind of money? Is there a legal reason as to why we shouldn’t? Perhaps if you are able to answer why one shouldn’t then it may give you the answer why one should,” Zulu said. “There is nothing that stops me from keeping any amount of money that I desire to keep. And the very fact that I’m keeping such amount of money is no reason to suggest that it may have been ill-gotten, unless we are going to degenerate into poverty mentality … and we are not going anywhere with that.”

Asked how he reconciled his argument about former president Edgar Lungu’s immunity against a court issued warrant for which police have been accused of being incompetent that they failed to effect it, Zulu wondered if the police mentioned to the courts that the premises they intended to enforce the warrant on belonged to the former president, as if it were…


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