TOO MUCH POLICY INCONSISTENCIES UNDER UPND….that’s why many sectors have suffered huge setbacks- Hon Kampyongo



….that’s why many sectors have suffered huge setbacks, says Hon Kampyongo

Shiwang’andu… Tuesday August 15, 2023 (SMART EAGLES)

Shiwang’andu Member of Parliament Hon Stephen Kampyongo has observed that there is too much policy inconsistency under the UPND government.

Hon Kampyongo says this is the reason why there are so many challenges in the country resulting in the looming hunger.

He said this when he held meetings in his constituency at Chindoshi, Chimbwese and Kalikiti Primary Schools.

He says it is clear that the agriculture and social welfare programmes have really been affected by these policy inconsistencies under this administration.

“How can the government require those to be registered or maintained under the social cash transfer to have a mobile phone and that the whole process will be digital? How can an eighty year old woman from a rural setup be requested to be registered under social cash transfer using a mobile phone and be requested to master a pin code? This is why we are saying the old system was okay and all beneficiaries under this programme were happy with the old system,” he said.

“When we come to the agriculture sector, it’s worse. They want to wean off farmers who can’t support their farming activities. How do you ensure that you have food security in the country when you cannot adequately support the farmers? They don’t know what they are doing and they should be rejected come 2026.”

He also encouraged the people to take advantage of the available programmes under CDF to venture into business.

He informed the youths in his constituency that there are funds to sponsor them when they want to take up any trade training.

“We have plans to establish a trades training center at Shiwang’andu to help our youths. In the meantime we are sponsoring students who wish to pursue mechanical engineering, toiring and design and other trade courses at Lukasha in Kasama or Isoka Trades Training Center. Take advantage of this opportunity to better your lives,” said Hon Kampyongo.

And Hon Kampyongo insisted that hunger is looming across the country.

He expressed concern that farmers in his constituency have gone back to Chitemene system because they cannot access farming inputs.

He said the PF government made sure that farmers had the necessary farming inputs to avoid such things such as Chitemene System.

He also took time to inspect developmental projects and those that need attention in his constituency.


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