Multitudes see off Trade Kings boss

TRADE Kings boss Haji Khalid Muhammad Nomani who died this morning has been buried leaving behind a business emperor and a legacy of charity and humility.

Many appreciate and relate Nomani to Trade Kings products such as Boom, Chelsea Biscuits, Fruticana, Milkit, Kungfu Energy drinks amongst other items.

In the background, Nomani used his personal money to build orphanages, feed orphans and give out scholarships to vulnerable students while also buildings mosques and putting imams on his payroll.

He died this morning aged 71.

At short notice, multitudes of Muslims turned up at the elite Juma Mosque in Lusaka’s Kamwala area to pray that Allah forgives the business guru for his shortcomings and reward him for his good.

As mourners isolated themselves in groups as they awaited for the official funeral prayers, many testified of what a humble and charitable man Nomani was.

Nomani’s death brings to the fore the fragility of life.

Only yesterday afternoon, Nomani had been at the same mosque attending prayers before joining other congregants in a funeral procession to put to rest his cousin.

This morning, shock swept across the business world and the country as news of Nomani’s death broke.

Despite his massive, wealth Nomani was a shockingly humble man who drove himself around in a simple corola.

Even his funeral was simple, it avoided the extravagance of pricy caskets and bombastic procedures.

After the customary Islamic wash of his body and placed in immaculate white shrouds, he was prayed by scores of Muslims before being buried at the Leopard’s Hill Cemetery.

Kalemba May 13, 2023


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