Dr. Mwelwa


By Dr Mwelwa

The recent selection of International Resources Holding Limited as a strategic partner for Zambia’s Mopani Copper Mines has brought both optimism and skepticism to the table.

While it presents an opportunity for economic growth and stability, concerns regarding transparency and potential conflicts of interest have been raised.

One crucial question that needs to be addressed is whether the government is willing to publish the agreements reached with the strategic partner.

Transparency is vital in ensuring that the terms of the partnership are fair and equitable for all parties involved.

Allegations have surfaced, claiming that some government officials may be benefitting from the deal through proxies and undisclosed shares.

By making the agreements public, the government can dispel any doubts and maintain its commitment to transparency and accountability.

In addition to transparency, another pressing issue is the need to ensure that the new partner pays their fair share of taxes without engaging in any form of tax evasion.

The concerns raised by the Tax Justice Network regarding transfer pricing and potential tax avoidance must be taken into consideration.

It is incumbent upon the government to establish stringent regulations and monitoring mechanisms to prevent any illicit financial activities and safeguard the nation’s revenue.

Furthermore, there is a need to address the allegation that government officials are involved in the deal through proxies.

If true, this would present a serious conflict of interest and undermine the integrity of the partnership. It is imperative that the government conducts thorough investigations to ascertain the veracity of these claims and takes appropriate action if any wrongdoing is found.

Such actions would demonstrate the government’s commitment to good governance and its determination to put the interests of the Zambian people first.

However, even with these concerns, it is important to recognize the potential positive impact that this partnership can have on the economy and the community of Mufulira.

With proper oversight, effective governance, and transparent practices, the strategic partnership can lead to increased copper production, job creation, and economic development.

It is crucial that both the government and the strategic partner work together to address the skepticism and ensure that the benefits of the partnership are realized by all Zambians.

In conclusion, while the selection of a strategic partner for Mopani Copper Mines holds promise, it is imperative that transparency and accountability prevail.

The government should be willing to publish the agreements reached, addressing allegations of proxy involvement and ensuring that the public has access to the necessary information.

By doing so, the government can alleviate doubts, foster trust, and demonstrate its commitment to the welfare of the Zambian people.

With the right measures in place, this partnership has the potential to bring about positive change and contribute to the country’s sustainable development.


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