As he urges more youths to emulate the boldness of Tutwa

Smart Eagles/ Sat . Dec 9, 2023

Patriotic Front President and Zambia’s 6th President HE Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu has paid glowing tribute to the memory of former Kabwe Lawmaker Hon. Tutwa Ngulube, who died a year ago.

President Lungu who was in Kabwe this morning to attend the Unveiling of the Tombstone for the late Ngulube who was a lawyer, politician and businessman par excellence,said Tutwa’s death remained as painful today as it was a year ago but that today , was a day to celebrate his legacy and not to mourn.

” Tutwa died at a very tender age of 43, and yet his achievements in various aspects of life were like those of a man in his seventies,” he said .

Indeed, Tutwa exhibited extraordinary courage, whether in his practice of the law or in politics. He was fearless. He had such a spine!”

“We all remember how Tutwa daringly wanted to know who was in charge of that nonsense a few months before he died,” said ECL.

” My friends from Kopala would say , ‘ Tutwa Ali na Nerve!’ . Yes, Tutwa did not fear anyone and anything when it came to the defence of his cherished principles,”

” We all remember how he faced in the national assembly, those who are in charge of national affairs, the day when they senselessly declared on the floor of the house that they did not recognise October 18th as a day of prayer and reconciliation because it was a day when wilful sinners congregated, What an abomination!”

President Lungu stated that the nation now more than ever was in need of courage and toughness like that of Tutwa. He urged the youths to reflect the toughness that existed in young Tutwa.

” The Bemba’s say pafwa abantu , pashala abantu . Therefore , I am confident that many Tutwas will emerge and continue with his courage and bravery in fighting for what is good and against the bad in Zambia today, ” said ECL

The Memorial service and Unveiling of the tombstone for Hon. Tutwa was scheduled for today , Saturday, December 9th but was shockingly cancelled as the state is said to have moved and told the family to discontinue the event .


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