Uncle Limbani turns to fish sales to fundraise for life-saving surgery


Uncle Limbani turns to fish sales to fundraise for life-saving surgery

Comedian Henry BJ Phiri, fondly known as Uncle Limbani in the comedy circles has embarked on a heartfelt mission to raise funds for a life-saving surgery in India.

Henry has over the years captured the hearts of many with his unique brand of humor, literally leaving some people wetting the pants out of laughter.

Even though the comedian is able to pull up some jokes on his sick bed guaranteed to sweep people off of their feet with joy, Uncle Limbani is on a mission to recover fully.

On May 27, 2023, Henry suffered a stroke, leaving him in need of specialized medical treatment. Determined to get the help he needs, Henry made the decision to travel to India for further procedures that could potentially improve his condition.

But with medical expenses amounting to $5,200, came up with a plan to raise funds.

Embracing this entrepreneurial spirit, Henry began offering fresh fish for sale, ranging from 0.5 to 0.8 kilograms, at a competitive price of K65 per kilogram.

Customers can conveniently reach out to him on 0976198887, where his dedicated team, led by Balwin Phiri, will facilitate deliveries within the central business district and up to SilverRest.



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