UPND Alliance partners have dismissed reports that cracks are emerging in the group because most alliance members have not been given jobs in government.

The Alliance partners have reaffirmed their resolve to continue supporting President Hakainde Hichilema and his administration in bringing development to Zambia.

Alliance Spokesperson Daniel Shimunza says the enemies of the UPND administration are trying hard to cause disunity and confusion by peddling lies aimed at destroying the Alliance.

He said Zambia is in safe hands of the UPND Alliance administration at the moment and the Alliance partners remain committed to the values and principles upon which it was founded.

Speaking at a media briefing this morning, Dr. Shimunza said the current administration will ensure that it cleans up the mess in the country that was caused by the PF government who are also going round peddling lies that the new dawn Government has failed.

And in a statement read for him by Dr. Shimunza, All People’s Congress party leader Nason Msoni who is said to be hospitalized has dismissed allegations that he wants to leave the alliance.

Mr. Msoni who recently cried foul over the unfair sharing of positions in government said leaving the alliance will be the biggest betrayal to the Zambians especially at a time when the country is in capable hands of President Hichilema.

Yesterday, Movement for Democratic Change Secretary General Lucky Mulusa has predicted a fall of the Alliance.
Mr. Mulusa says from the conduct of the UPND, who are the main Alliance player, he does not see any future in the Alliance.
In interview with Hot FM News, Mr. Mulusa said the UPND are sidelining alliance members in most decisions and appointments.

But Governance Activist Isaac Mwanza has described as premature, the outbursts by UPND Alliance Member Nason Msoni that he has been sidelined in government appointments.

Mr. Mwanza says although it is the expectation of many politicians when they go into alliances to receive favours once they form government, Mr. Msoni should be mindful that many original UPND members have not yet been given jobs and have not taken the route he has taken.

He has reminded Mr. Msoni who is the All People’s Congress Leader that the UPND Alliance was voted into government by 2.8 million Zambians who are also very expectant.


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