By Darius Choonya

The UPND Alliance has described as a deceit government’s decision to swap civil servants debt a few weeks to the election.

According to the alliance, the ruling PF is trying to hoodwink civil servants in exchange for a vote.

UPND Alliance Acting Spokesperson, Thabo Kawana during a press briefing has wondered why the government is in a hurry to swap the debt when hundreds of retirees have not been paid what they are owed.

On Friday, government signed an addendum to help clear outstanding debts for civil servants on government payroll.

Information and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary, Amos Malupenga said the decision will be done through swapping of what government owes civil servants such as leave benefits and settling allowances among others.

He disclosed that effective month-end of July to September 2021, civil servants will not have any deductions to their salaries towards loan repayments.-Diamond TV


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