FORMER President Edgar Lungu would have been a non-factor if the UPND had delivered development to the people with three years of being in power, Bishops Council of Zambia general secretary, Bishop Able Kaela has said.

Bishop Kaela said it makes a sad reading that the ruling party has spent three years in power trying to avenge what they endured in the opposition, arresting former leaders at the expense of development.

He said the hunger that has ravaged the country is too loud to be ignored by the government which has since shifted its focus to former President Lungu.

“Us who stay in the compounds feel the impact of the rising cost of living very badly but unfortunately the leaders we are supposed to look up to are busy chasing after a man who is no longer in power https://epaper.dailynationzambia.com/public/


  1. If HH wanted to avenge ECL would not be trouting around the country and uttering whatever he wants. This time he would be behind bars, where he had planned to put HH had he come to power.
    Ba Bishop you are there to serve the people not cheap politics

  2. We know your wicked mission you and Lungu are up to.
    Isn’t it amazing that when Lungu and his cohorts were destroying the economy through stealing, you were conspicuously quiet? You call yourselves a church and are busy having dark corner meetings with a corrupt individual like Lungu. It means you Bishops are also corrupt.So is your church. Instead if preaching peace, you are busy fanng the flames. What type of Bible do you people in Roman Catholic church use?

  3. Can these bishops tell us what vengeance the UPND have concentrated on? Also can they give us a reason JJ would be abducted? What did he do? Is he not an independent M.P ? If UPND was to take vengeance many people would not be walking free and accusing without proof.

  4. Ignorance is a real sad tbing with some some of these misguided leaders.

    Tell us, something Bishop what can you do with a mismanaged economy which was left due to theft of public funds and run down of institutions.

    Your concious is completely sealed to the plight of the poor who will have to suffer this plunder for next 10 years while your favorite perfomers who plundered our country have hidden millions in their bank accounts.

    Are you not aware of the 24 million dollars which was looted from the KCM. Are you not aware it belonged to someone?

    Which Bishops is this even representing. Such right ups are misleading and meant to cause confusion. Can you speak on behalf pf all bishops like that without their consent. Definitely some are oppossed to this shallow mindedness.

  5. These Bishops are not servants of the Most High!
    They are Wolves in Sheep Skins!
    True servants of the Most High preach the gospel of peace, not politics!
    We understand the enemity between SDA and the Catholics!
    Just because the president is not of your faith does not justify your animosity towards them!
    True servants of the Most High are subject to the governing Authorities!
    These Bishops are blinded by the influence of Brown Envelopes!
    They have become altogether irrelevant!
    Zambia is not an extension of Vatican government!
    Respect yourselves!
    Don’t bring Genocide to Zambia the same way you did in Rwanda!
    That’s why some call you Lucifer’s because you operate like snakes!


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