Mumbi Phiri
Mumbi Phiri


..As she receives over 850 UPND defectors and denies accusations that PF is buying its members

Saturday…July 4 2020 (Smart Eagles)

Patriotic Front deputy Secretary General Hon Mumbi Phiri says opposition UPND should acknowledge that it has lost popularity in Western and North Western provinces.

And Hon Phiri has denied accusations that UPND members including councillors are being bought to join the PF.

Speaking when she received over 850 defectors in Kabompo district in North Western province, Ms Phiri said no single individual has been bought to join the PF as she beamoned the growing tendency by UPND members of parliament to refuse partnering with government to foster development in their respective constituencies.

She said it is regrettable that no tangible development has been done in UPND perceived strongholds despite controlling majority of councils.

“Those of you who listened to the radio on Wednesday am sure you heard UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema telling the people of Chama that president Edgar Lungu is in Southern Province taking development where people did not vote for him but is was you people from Chama who voted for him.Do you want the President not to bring development here just because you did not vote him?” Hon Phiri questioned and urged Kabompo residents to ignore such narratives which do not promote inclusive development.

Ms Phiri recalled how the Kafue Mayor was reprimanded by the UPND leadership leading to his resignation for merely accepting an invitation to partner with government on developmental issues.

She further cited the walking out of parliament by opposition MPs instead of debating the Bill which seeks to promote mixed member representation,women empowerment among others as being retrogressive and equally condemned the misinformation being peddled on Bill 10 as it was done on the referendum which would have strengthened the bill of rights had it been supported.

Ms Phiri however urged defectors to scrutinize their leaders concerning important national development matters and endeavour to work and contribute to the growth of the party at various levels without feeling inferior.

“Those of you who have joined today are just the same as the old members and you should feel free to work at any level in the party be it at the ward, district or constituency levels” she said and encouraged them to organize themselves in various cooperatives and take advantage of the empowerment programs for women and youth in areas such as fish farming, agriculture, livestock among others.


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