UPND Ministers Escape Lynching


UPND Ministers Escape Lynching

Nkonkamalimba Kapumpe wrote;

I am here and UPND Ministers escaped lynching by UPND cadres this week at a funeral.

The UPND cadres started hammering everyone in a suit including Ministers who had to scamper for their livies. Ba Mweetwa please confirm, ati you can sprint. Unfortunately even lady Ministers were not spared during the funerals body viewing with “blessing”

We need an official statement from Govt please, if our Ministers are in danger from their cadres; we need to immediately put an end to this.If you can be disrepected like that a Goverment officer, what more us ordinary citizens? Hiding or covering criminality is not a solution, just arrest them if they committed any crime.

Nkonkomalimba Kapumpe


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