UPND needs a strong opposition…A Party in power should not be allowed to go on a prolonged honeymoon-Jonas Shakafuswa

Jonas Shakafuswa


By Jonas Shakafuswa

It is very funny how the Police have conveniently found resources and morale to Police opposition Party activities. All I can recall is police refusing to police opposition processions because of lack of manpower. These are signs of eroding democratic system and cheap foolish politics.

UPND needs a strong opposition structures for them to perform to the expectation of the Zambian people. A Party in power should not be allowed to go on a prolonged honeymoon. Someone has to make them accountable and work. They should never hide their inefficiency with the threat of force from the Police. That is what UPND in opposition always did. They made Government account. That can’t stop at them being in power. Never!

Zambia’s democracy has to be allowed to grow to give the citizens credible opportunity to independently choose Political orientation of their choices. We can’t allow Zambia to slide back to the stupid dictatorial way of yesterday’s PF administration. Government should not be allowed to choose laughable opponents to play politics with. This is a wake up call to the Judicial system in Zambia. They should not entertain laughable petitions which will put continued doubt on their ability to safeguard the peace and tranquillity Zambians have missed in a long time.

Let us have an even playing field for political players to allow Zambians make good informed political choices. Hey as citizens there is a Zambia we want. Not one determined by a Political Party. We are an enlightened citizenry who can’t be taken for a ride. Not this time around.

We can’t have Police refereeing in Political Party in-fighting. Where has this come from, may I ask. Where has the interest suddenly come from?


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