Mutotwe Kafwaya


…….says it is a scheme meant to hide grand corruption.

Lusaka…….Saturday, October 27, 2023 [Smart Eagles]

The existence of the Patriotic Front is important for democracy and the well being of the Zambian people, one of PF Legitimate Presidential Candidate Hon Mutotwe Kafwaya has said.

Hon Kafwaya said it is sad that the UPND want to shield their Corruption by trying to eliminate voices critical to their wrong doings.

He said If the PF dies, there will be no checks and balances in Parliament, a situation which will pave way for total destruction of the country’s governance system.

Hon Kafwaya was speaking Friday on Radio Phoenix Let the people talk.

He said the UPND has already killed the police and the Anti-Corruption Commission.

Hon Kafwaya said it is disheartening for the police to provide security for an illegal gathering at Mulungushi and fail to do so for PF or Socialist Party rallies.

“All the party leaders were unaware of the convened extra ordinary Convention by Miles Sampa. What kind of democracy are you going to build. A Government Minister is on record of saying he is part of those sponsoring disunity in PF. You may have a passion against PF, you have a right, but that doesn’t mean PF should die. If PF dies, there will be no Checks and Balances. Without PF there is no accountability. Democracy will be destroyed and the country will be destroyed completely. Because the UPND Government has already killed the police and ACC,” he said.

Meanwhile, Hon Kafwaya has urged all well meaning members of the PF to come together and unite amidst alleged Government efforts to completely wipe out the opposition.

He said the UPND will go at any lengths to ensure that they hide their alleged corruption in different Ministries.


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