Opposition New Hope Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) National Secretary Hon. Elizabeth Chitika has said that Malawi has given a good signal of how the Zambian elections will be next year.

Hon. Chitika who was today’s guest on the People’s Debate on Pan African Radio said that Raphael Nakachinda expulsion from the MMD is final.

“Last Saturday, the New Hope MMD National Executive Committee (NEC) resolved to expel Hon. Raphael Nakachinda, who from 2016 was a suspended member of the Party. After We expelled him, We saw him on TV misleading himself that the National Executive Committee of the Party had no authority to expel him and that we had since 2016 expelled him over 10 times. I would like to put it on record that he had never been expelled up until now. Secondly, the Party Constition empowers the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the Party to expel erring members like Nakachinda”, Hon. Chitika said.

Hon. Chitika then said that the MMD was not in any alliance with any party.

“Over 2 weeks ago, PF Deputy Secretary General Hon. Mumbi Phiri said that we were in an alliance with her party. I would like to say it again that We are neither in an alliance with the PF nor the UPND. They only people we shall enter into an alliance with are the people of Zambia”, Hon. Chitika further said.

Hon. Chitika further said that Malawi has given a good signal that a Pastor leading a former Ruling Party can bounce back in power.

“Zambia and Malawi behave like twins. We both got independence in 1964. We both reintroduced Democracy in the 1990s. A Pastor leading a former Ruling Party by the name of Rev. Lazarus Chakera is currently leading and I can safely say that the Rev is the President elect. This is a signal of what will happen next year here in Zambia”, Hon. Chitika said


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