MAJOR Richard Kachingwe was defenseless whenMMD Die Hard coordinator Bowman Lusambo and his three colleagues Mtonga, Scorpion Kadobi and Chiwele Maimisa beat and hounded him out of the office.

Mtonga and three others on December 1, 2012, in Lusaka, jointly and whilst acting together with other unknown people assaulted Maj Kachingwe, publicity secretary Tobias Kafumukache and former MMD sympathiser Gregory Chifire, occasioning them actual bodily harm.

Major Kachingwe on the material day, went to the office in the morning to execute duties as national secretary following information which he received that MMD leader Nevers Mumba did not disclose information which could have disqualified him from standing as president on that day. He said he wrote to Mumba, informing him that he was going to invoke powers vested in him in the party constitution.

Kachingwe wrote a letter invalidating Mumba’s presidency and he talked to MMD vice-president, administration Dr Brian Chituwo and acting chairperson Kabinga Pande, who later left his office. That time Lusambo and his colleagues had earlier gone to the office and after a short while, Kachingwe heard loud noise outside and looked through the window, he saw a lot of youths jump onto the wall perimeter.

The views shared in this video are not my personal views regarding the characters mentioned and captured in it . It was uploaded for information purposes


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