VIDEO: Edgar Lungu Denied Entry Into Twin Palm Police Station Where He Has Gone To Find Out Details On The Missing Jay Jay Banda


Edgar Lungu Denied Entry Into Twin Palm Police Station Where He Has Gone To Find Out Details On The Missing Jay Jay Banda


  1. Lingu acting like he wasn’t a president before, who gets information from the police like that ? Why can’t he wait for police to give updates as per tradition

  2. If a President acts like this. What more cadres? The man is a dysfunctional character. Bearly 24hrs since he went missing the Police have hardly had the time to start their investigations and you want to make expectations that under his regime the Public was never entitled to expect?

  3. Does ECL have any advisors? It is simply unbelievable that a former President should behave in this manner. He knows fully well that the Police are still investigating and will give an update at an appropriate time.

    Does he expect the Police to brief him on on-going investigations?

  4. If Ibex Hill Police Station was holding JJ Banda, this would have made sense. They’re busy investigating his whereabouts and the least they need is anyone trying to distract them.


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