VIDEO: Edgar Lungu was an indisciplined lawyer who would come to court unprepared and stinking of alcohol- John Sangwa


Laura Miti WRITES:
John Sangwa has jaw-droppingly described President Lungu when he (EL) was a practising lawyer as mostly drunk and incompetent

OK to be honest, it’s not so much the details in John’s account that are surprising. I have heard, as I am sure many have, all manner of hair raising tales about the former President’s, alcohol-fueled, less than competent, performance as both lawyer and President.

What is eyepopping about the interview is that John concretises what, up to now, has been rumour. Consistent rumour, but rumour all the same.

I have to say that, at a human level, I felt really sad for President Lungu. You see, this is a man with a reported serious drink problem. Despite that, he managed to unexpectedly, for him I am sure, and most who knew him, I guess, to become Republican President. He held the office, however eyebrow-raisingly, until voted out.

When I watched this video my thoughts were, without EL throwing himself back into the political fray, this gossip, about him being the kind of drunk whose day job is affected, would have stayed just that. A deniable claim! Just an oft repeated story that none of us could ascertain, together with the many others about him

Now, unless, the former President decides to somehow prove John’s imagination to be wildly creative, we know that we were, for 7 years, ruled by someone who could go to court in defence of a client without knowing what the blazes would be discussed that day.



  1. Was John Sangwa always in court every time ECL had cases in court, as a lawyer? Was he ECL’s legal partner? This is character assassination! The problem with John Sangwa is that he is self-conceited and thinks he is better than anyone else. Part of the problem he cannot make a good political leader.

  2. With due respect to Lawyer John Sangwa State Counsel , your remarks about Edgar Lungu is a big blunder. Building a political career especially for one who wants to be President requires strategy and tact. This am afraid Mr John Sangwa you lack.
    If indeed Edgar Lungu was a drunkard and indisciplined , he managed to navigate his way to the Presidency despite the negatives associated with him , through tact and strategy.
    But for you Mr Sangwa , you are just planting your political seed. It hasn’t germinated yet, and you have no roots…and straight away you start lashing out at someone who has a base, the base you might need to propel you to the Presidency.
    Indeed God seems to have a liking for fools. He makes so many of them.

  3. ECL may have his own weaknesses. But as more people are realizing today, there is more humanity about him. Talk of a constitutional lawyer who abandons his wife of many years with whom he had a child with down syndrome in preference for an Indian woman.

  4. There is no new revelation here. We all knew we were being led by a drunk. Mr. Lungu was never in control of the government. It was the likes of Mr. Kaizer Zulu who wielded the power. Why do you think he was nicknamed “Jameson”? Why do you think he shied away from holding press conferences?

    Ati top notch lawyer! Someone who had been debarred!

    Ba Muna Kaliba, what humanity are you talking about? Someone who unleashed cadres on innocent citizens? Raided the national treasury with abandon and left the country in serious debt while enriching himself and his family and cronies? Someone who took away our basic rights?

    Mr. Kaliba, maybe you were a beneficiary of his misrule.

  5. At the rate Zambia is moving with HH and ECL, I wish Zambians could retire these Two together with their militias in 2026!

    • Agreed. They are just kompo kompo.

      Surely Zambians, is this the best we can do? These two men have done so much damage to our country.

      Let is vote wisely in 2026.


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