VIDEO: If Jay Jay Banda is not availed to us within 24h hours ,we are going to walk n@k3d to community house- Saboi Imboela



  1. We know that some of you ukufulafula is your business, so you can start now so that more people can freely see your nakedness. By the the way, who cares. Uli cipuba sana ci Saboi. Your political style is irrelevant and useless.

  2. There you are you. Stage managed and now they want to start protests. I hope isolation wards are prepared at Chainama for those picked for indecency dressing.

  3. When is this Imbwa going to walk naked? She’s always threatening with her nakedness but actually does it!
    Go ahead iwe Imbwa and show us your horrible handles with your bushy smelly pussey. Govt is not the thug Emmanuel Banda’s keeper.
    He’s aimlessly driving round the city chasing numerous women and when he meets his fate why blame the Government.
    The fact remains that Emmanuel Banda is a thug, Lungu’s thug that is facing serious court charges and is trying hard to fake his disappearance. That won’t work. We want him before courts do that he can tell us why he killed his ex girlfriend, and why he urinated in the mouth of a journalist. That’s how wicked that idyot is and he has to account for all that.
    Lungu brought that lawlessness in our country and the foolish thug had to account for his behaviour.
    Already, other cadres like Kaiser Zulu are on the run and surely Emmanuel Banda is following suit. He can hide in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, etc but we know he will come or be brought back. We will clear our country of thugs and this is priority. Next is ka Munio ya Zulu!

  4. UKA has arranged the disappearing of this guy, this is all staged. Who’s Banda anyway? What value does he bring except mischief? Total nonsense. You’re welcome to undress yourself with that ugly figure of yours, actually people like you feel ashamed to remove your clothes during the day except at night, so how will you manage this time?

  5. Ba UKWA, is that the best you can do? Stripping? What kind of leaders are these? I thought stripping as a political strategy went away with Mama Julia Chikamoneka. It worked in the colonial days, not now over 65 years later.

    And what makes you sure the State is responsible for Jay Jay’s disappearance? He wasn’t even a notable critic of the government. Most likely he will resurface in South Africa or some such place.

    Our opposition are too emotional and immature. They should learn to be slow to speak and quick to listen. The truth will eventually come out, but I doubt that the State has anything to do with Jay Jay’s disappearance.

  6. Walking naked to Community House, is it where you took him? Is this what ghosts can do? It’s like they did a permanent damage to you.

  7. One thing for sure is that PIEFU is a criminal grouping and what they used to do while in Office was total evil, murdered approved by Lungu by then as president because of what these people in his UKWA bag items in the name of followers are saying and doing.

    So it is Cristal clear that this was his type of leadership even what TUTWA was saying during the youth demonstration to beak the borns of innocent youths was approved by him Lungu and Kapyongoz

    Even the thurgey we say in Sesheke of cadres and the Police was his mission and their plans.

    The burning of city market probably even the gassing saga someone by then in them was heading this brutal blood Mistry because it is very clear how these criminal are voicing out because of what they and he used to do thinking that even others are doing the same which is totally different.

    This snake is very evil and dangerous, anyway, we know how a snake behaves no wonder there’s that enmity between a snake and people hence always crushing it kumutwe They and he, will be crushed

    So ba saboi surely you want to undress and match to community House because of the evil you yourselves are creating and doing? what benefit is there for you or what do you want to achieve.

    JJ Banda is there/ here now – been found, first you go and undress to show him what you have for his benefit at list he will be very happy because, may be that was what he was looking for since birds of the same furthers fly together


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