VIDEO: It was very childish and petty for Police to say Emmanuel Banda has two wives in their statement yesterday- Saboi Imboela


It was very childish and petty for Police to say missing MP, Emmanuel Banda has two wives in their statement yesterday. They should have just said he has two homes – Saboi Imboela


  1. If he has two wives then he has two wives, why hide? Unless you are saying one is a girlfriend and the other is the wife.

  2. If you can’t see the relevance of movements from A to B and reasons behind those movements then madam you are either just a damn fool or your judgements are so cynical, they are not based on facts but emotions.
    I think it is about time, you took time to analyse things than quick to seek publicity

  3. Fake ambiguity.Wife is wife.Wives are wives.Details are yours.Mai nini or Mai guru what details do you want?Police is ok.Conductor or transport officer? The beauty of language!

  4. You should take into consideration others peoples feelings when talking about two by two because others only have ghosts at their disposal and it is understandable how annoyed they get when you talk about two by two


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