VIDEO: Mfuwe MP Maureen Mabonga Detained


Mfuwe MP Hon. Maureen Mabonga has been arrested and detained at Ibex Police Station

Detention of Honourable Maureen Mabongo

May 28,2024-The Zambia Police Service in Lusaka has today, May 28, 2024, recorded a warn and caution statement and detained Honourable Maureen Mabonga, aged 40, Member of Parliament for Mfuwe Constituency.

Honourable Maureen Mabonga has been detained for the following offences:

  1. Seditious Practices: Contrary to Section 57, 1 (b) as read with Section 60, 1 (e) of the Penal Code Act Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.
  2. Expressing or Showing Ridicule or Contempt for Persons Because of Tribe or Place of Origin: Contrary to Section 70 of the Penal Code Act Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

These charges follow thorough investigations into actions and statements made by Honourable Mabonga that are deemed to incite rebellion against state authority and promote tribal discrimination and contempt, which threaten national unity and public order.

Honourable Maureen Mabonga is currently detained in police custody. She will appear in court soon to face the charges brought against her.

The Zambia Police Service remains committed to upholding the rule of law and ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their status, are held accountable for actions that undermine peace and unity in our nation.

We urge the public to remain calm and avoid making speculative statements that could heighten tensions. As Zambia police Service we are dedicated to conduct our duties with fairness and integrity, ensuring that justice is served.

Rae Hamoonga


  1. How many people are you going to detain. You are just irritating the people of Zambia. They will not stop talking. You are just waisting your time , and bringing more division, tension and hate in the country! In the end you are laughing stock!

  2. Zambia is a country of Laws!
    You abuse your freedom to misbehave and break the Law, the long arm of the Law will do it’s work!
    At the rate people have been misbehaving and kudelela asogoleli, this is the end result!
    Anione anione anankala pansimbi yamoto!
    We need Civility in politics!
    Those proposing war in a peaceful nation should be stripped of citizenship and treat them like terrorists!
    Bye elections are loading!

    • There is zero equivalence between booing and issuing inflammatory and seditious comments. Any rational and impartial individual wouldn’t be comfortable with Hon. Mabonga and Zulu’s comments. Those were fighting words meant to alarm, incite and divide. Enough is enough, we shouldn’t allow such for the sake of political expediency

  3. All this happening is as a result of too much
    Freedom given by new dawn from the time
    They took over power to opposition.

  4. JJ Banda has luckily been found alive and unharmed. Had he been killed or seriously harmed, Maureen Mabonga and her ilk would have succeeded in persuading people to believe their false narrative. This makes the case against Maureen Mabonga quite strong. According to her own recorded speech on tv, Tonga people have utmost hatred for people from Eastern Province and all the Bembas and this is what led to JJ Banda being abducted by Tongas. She has to prove in court that it’s Tongas who abducted JJ Banda to win her freedom.

  5. What has jj banda dispearance got to do with whst she is saying?
    Has she got evidence it’s tongas??
    You politician’s are just tribalists by nature!!

  6. I keep saying the calibre of MPs, specifically PF MPs in the current parliament leaves much to be desired. Their indiscipline and lack of social intelligence is shocking. And to think they are charged with the responsibility of enacting laws! Such lawless characters.

    This lady must face the full force of the law. We are tired of politicians’ divisive language and their selfishness. They want to use us to preserve their privileged lifestyles mostly achieved at our expense.


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