VIDEO: The Family Of Petauke Central MP, Hon. Jay Jay Banda Speaks To The Media



  1. These are all crooks. Just from what shes explaining one can tell that this group is are not trying to be honest

    • I’m sure you are not a machine but my fellow human being.Be human.You are supposed to be the carer for all Zambians.You have tasted government. It comes with all sorts of problems.As things are, you have abandoned governing.All you want is to govern for ever and ever. Unfortunately,all police states come to an end.When you fall,no one will harm you.Retribution is for savage nations!!!

  2. Do not listen to cold-blooded and heartless animals. We sympathize with you. Just know that there are many loving Zambians who are with you in your trying moments. May God’s mercy and love shine on you.

    • Put all the partisanship, politics, etc, to one side and think of Jay Jay and his family’s tribulations on a humane level. If the family’s narration is true of what transpired from the time he was found to the time he was forcefully carted away to Maina Soko, then the devil has won and we do not deserve to describe ourselves as a”Christian nation”.

      Any right-minded person should be need appalled at the alleged hooliganism and thuggish behaviour displayed by the people who are supposed to be guardians of the law. (Personally, I don’t know them – the family – but I am inclined to believe their eyewitness version!)

      For me, what is even worse is the alleged behaviour of the ‘higher ups’ towards the members of Jay Jay’s family; that should leave a very bitter taste in every morally upright Zambian.

      Lest we forget, today it’s somebody else, tomorrow it will be you [and your family].

      If we wish to become a progressive country, this is the kind of behaviour that people in higher authority should be curbing, not encouraging with directives on the lines of “action!”.

  3. Eya! Elo lwanya! We have put you in our prayers , just hope your brother pulls through, but it’s like interest of the state is to go finish him off so that he doesn’t reveal the people behind his abduction. It’s very sad, Zambia is democratic country and nobody, including a president can destroy the people’s democracy, because democracy “is for the people, by the people”. And not for an individual by an individual! Please those close them advise them. I wonder how some tribe will stay in Zambia after 2026 after all this tribalism. Especially after being rejected by the West, the North and now the East.

  4. The family of JJ need to be comforted and assured that he is in safe hands at the hospital not gaining political mileage by making unnecessary vedio production and stressing the young ladies further.They actually need counseling too.Now they want them to enter in the arena of politics.Ahh not now please bo Saki.

  5. With this Hichilema and Upnd have bought their express exit ticket out of government. Kwasila ba choka! They like it or not. It proves how heartless all of them are. After there are out serious cleansing of all defence security departments will be needed. When citizens cheer Lungu they should blame Lungu! It’s all if their own making. The way Mwimbu and his police men behaved at Medlands hospital, they think any normal Zambian can like that! They are gone that’s they end of them.

  6. Wages of sin. JJ deserves worse than what he got. Your deranged relative is a thug, A very uncivilised thug. This is the same idiot who urinated in someone’s mouth and you’re busy shedding fake tears. You aren’t getting that sympathy from anyone but PF

  7. Wages of sin. Ndiye bwino avutike. JJ deserves worse than what he got. Your deranged relative is a thug, A very uncivilised thug. This is the same idiot who urinated in someone’s mouth and you’re busy shedding fake tears. You aren’t getting that sympathy from anyone but PF.


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