VIDEO: Umodzi Kumawa Fails To Report Some Ruling UPND Leaders For Hate Speech


For Immediate Release


Lusaka, Zambia

The Kum’mawa Development Coalition (KDC), also known as Umodzi Kum’mawa, expresses its deep disappointment in the Zambia Police’s refusal to allow its spokesperson to file a formal complaint against the following:

Mr. Obvious Mwaliteta,
Mr. Charles Milupi, MP
Mr. Bruce Kanema,
Mr. Trevor Mwiinde,
Mr. Frank Zimba,
Mr. Obvious Mwaliteta,
Mr. Gilbert Liswaniso
Mr. Malambo Maimbe, MP

all members of the United Party for National Development (UPND), for their hate speech against the people of Eastern province, use of vulgar and insulting language against former President Edgar Lungu, and use of threats of physical violence against the former Head of State, Hon. Emmanuel Jay Banda, Hon Munir Zulu as well as former President Lungu and Easterners in general.

Through a team led by its spokesperson, Mr. Chanoda Ngwira, we regret to inform the nation that KDC attempted to report the above persons at the Chelstone by 11:00 and the officers gave an excuse of being busy with a political case of madam Edith Nawakwi. Then, our team went to Kabwata police station and reached by 12:15z Upon hearing the complaint at inquiries, the officers referred the KDC team to take the complaints to Lusaka Central Police station.

At Lusaka Central Police around 14:40, the KDC spokesperson was repeatedly referred from one office to another with the officers claiming they were either busy or unable to attend to the complaint. The last officer who was assigned to attend to the KDC team heard the full complaint but refused to record any statement by insisting that they only attend to the actual complainant and not third parties who are indirectly affected by hate speech.

As KDC, we find the refusal and disregard for the group’s right to file formal complaints very unfortunate and unacceptable in a democracy like ours. From our experience today, we strongly feel the police have become more politically partisan than professional by discriminating citizens based on either tribe or political party affiliation. Kum’mawa Development Coalition will not give up but will write to the Inspector General of Police to officially lodge a complaint against the Zambia Police’s behavior.

Kum’mawa Development Coalition (KDC) aka UMODZI KUM’MAWA aims to strategically advance development programs for the people of Eastern Province in the broader context for the modernization and development of Zambia by advocating and defending for their interests and rights in all sectors. The coalition recognizes that the region has abundant natural resources and the local people must always be engaged and prioritized to discover and actualize their full developmental potential just like other Zambians elsewhere.

Issued for and on behalf of Kum’mawa Development Coalition aka UMODZI KUM’MAWA

Chanoda Ngwira F


  1. This guy is useless…. Which Zambia is he fighting for?? IAM a Zambian and IAM NOT seeing any need of fighting. He is making me think Twice about his sanity!!

  2. It is better to commence legal action against the named individuals the way Sean Tembo has done with Syakalima. The police are just too partisan in this country.


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