Visiting Edgar Lungu should have been high on Kamala Harris’ agenda Because He Is The Father Of The Nation – PF


Visiting Lungu should have been high on Kamala Harris’ agenda – PF

THE Patriotic Front (PF) is angry that US Vice-President Harris Kamala came and left the country without visiting former president Edgar Lungu.

Brian Mundubile, a member of parliament who is also eying the party’s presidency says Lungu is not an ordinary person to be ignored by Harris who arrived in the country on Friday and left last evening.

According to Mundubile, Lungu is a champion of democracy having handed over power without resistance after his massive defeat to the UPND in 2021.

He says it was a blunder for Harris to shun paying a courtesy call on “Father of the Nation and only existing former President Edgar Lungu”.

“Visiting Lungu must have been high on the agenda because Zambia’s democratic credentials were heightened when he handed over power in a smooth transition to the UPND Administration,” Mundubile has been quoted as saying by Smart Eagles.

He said Harris should have been aware of Lungu’s record of uniting Zambia through infrastructure development.

Days before her arrival, the PF said Harris was visiting to promote gay rights.

But during her visit, Kamala concentrated on Democracy, international relations, the economy and climate change and private-sector investment.

“In a bid to preach democracy and be able to learn from the experiences we have had during this time and be able to communicate best practices in democracy, there was need for interaction with our leaders. Many of us feel that Madam Harris should have taken time to visit president Lungu being the only and immediate past president,” said Mundubile.

CAPTION: US Vice-President Kamala Harris (right) and husband Douglas Enhoff with Speaker of the National Assembly Nelly Mutti on her visit to the House on Friday – Picture by Salim Dawood



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