Vlogger Simom Mwewa faces two years imprisonment for defaming, cyber bullying Tasila Lungu


Vlogger Simom Mwewa faces two years imprisonment for defaming, cyber bullying Tasila Lungu

…shows up in court with no lawyers saying he will represent himself

By Alf

Vlogger Simom Mwewa from Simoson Building this morning shocked the Lusaka Magistrate Court when he showed up without lawyers to represent him.

This is in a matter where Tasila Lungu has dragged him to court for defamation and cyber bullying.

It is alleged that Mwewa accused Tasila of buying a bank together with its assets .

But when the matter came up today Mwewa showed up without lawyers and insisting that he will represent himself.

He was however guided to seek adjournment until he finds lawyers .

The matter has been moved to December 18th and 20th .

Criminal defamation is punishable with a maximum of two years imprisonment , a fine or both.


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