For Immediate Release


Lusaka 19th June 2021

Good afternoon countrymen and women, I know the country is mourning our late founding father and the first Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda but please bare with me, I need to respond to Kambwili’s self proclaimed Nephew Kabwita.

Reference is made to a statement issued by the former breweries attendant Charles Kabwita on the 18:06:21.

Kabwita has never been to the bar so he cannot claim to know or interprete any law.

The Court awarded them costs from the time they instructed their lawyers up to the date of discontinuance. The effect is that they are only entitled to costs for filing the notice of appointment since the matter was discontinued the very next day after they filled the notice of appointment.

What they were awarded are untaxed costs to be agreed or to be taxed.

I need to remind Kabwita and his colleagues that the Akafumba group was awarded zmk 96,861.19 against Kambwili and this was taxed by the Ndola High Court as it can be seen in the attached court documents , meaning the Akafumba group can take baillif’s on Kambwili even on Monday.

The Akafumba group equally has costs for the four of them namely Chishimba Kambwili, Saboi Imboela, Dr Paul Mbulo and Ackson Kaonga which was done by the Court of appeal, so the excitement by my you brother Kabwita is uncalled for and should be ignored..

We are challenging them to go ahead and tax the costs as we have done in Ndola, our costs we have against them have been taxed in the court hence we are at liberty to send baillif’s on them.

To the NDC members and sympathisers please ignore Kabwita’s excitement.

Issued by: Emmanuel Malite NDC Media Director


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