usaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo says Ministers serving in the PF administration are merely going on leave as Cabinet is set to dissolve next month.

Mr Lusambo who is also Kabushi Member of Parliament said Ministers will go on a brief three month break and will come back after the elections.

He said the Ministers will use the campaign period to explain to the Zambians how the PF government has transformed the country.

Mr Lusambo was speaking when he officially opened the Provincial Development Coordinating Committee (PDDC) virtual meeting in Lusaka on Friday.

Me Lusambo has also advised the various technocrats across the civil service in Zambia to stay away from engaging themselves in the active politics of the nation.

He stated that civil servants are mandated by law to support the government of the day in delivering effective and efficient services to the nation and its people.

“Your job as technocrats in the civil service is to support the government in power. I, therefore, urge you to stay away from active politics and concentrate on serving the Zambian people in your various capacities in a professional manner,” Mr. Lusambo said.

Mr Lusambo said technocrats should stick to their lane by providing non-partisan service to the Zambian people and let the politicians engage in issues that are of active political nature.

He stated that the PF Government under the leadership of President Lungu had demonstrated commitment to uplift the welfare of the Zambian people without leaving anyone behind.

Mr Lusambo highlighted the aspect of infrastructure development in the sectors of health, education, roads, water and sanitation and the social protection programs among other interventions which government was implementing to improve people’s livelihoods.


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