… as ACC formally arrests and releases him on police bond.

Lusaka … Monday, March 21, 2022 [Smart Eagles]

Patriotic Front party acting President Hon. Given Lubinda has been formally arrested and charged by the Anti Corruption Commission of Zambia and released on bond.

Hon. Lubinda has been given five counts of acquiring properties reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime.

And addressing journalists after he met his bond conditions, Hon. Lubinda said he is happy that he has been charged and arrested as this will give him an opportunity to clear his name.

He said it is good that President Hichilema has heed his advice to have suspects exonerate themselves instead of calling them thieves without any proof.

Hon. Lubinda wondered when it has become an offence for one to have Dollars in the bank accounts.

Meanwhile, Hon. Lubinda said the country is full of hypocrites who say one thing and do the opposite.

He said the UPND Government has failed to govern the country and all they know is to blame the PF for their failures.

” There are no medicines in hospitals and all they are doing is blaming us that we stole. We left medicines in hospitals. We have been in Government and we know how to govern, if they have failed let them come and ask us we will help them at no fee at all,” hon. Lubinda said.

” The UPND are major hypocrites who says one thing in the morning and do the exact opposite in the evening. That’s why Zambians must be very careful with the UPND because they dont mean what they say. We told you fuel prices will increase and here we are the prices have gone up,” he said.

And Hon. Lubinda said time for reckoning for President Hichilema will soon come because he will not be President forever.

” President Hichilema’s time is coming, he should not think he will be President for good and if he thinks he can manipulate the constitution to make himself life President like he has done in UPND, that won’t happen,” Hon. Lubinda said.


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