We Ask You Not To Extradite Apollinaire Nsengiyumva Into The Clutches Of The Killers, Rwandan Refugees Begs President Hichilema

Appolinaire Nsengiyiwva

To His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia in Lusaka.

Subject: Alarm bell.

Your Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia

The International Civil Society of Rwandan Refugees (SOCIR) has just learned with regret and dismay of the arrest, on 1st December 2023, of Mr Apollinaire Nsengiyumva, a refugee and resident in Zambia since 2009, an act that can only be described as inhuman because it is based on false accusations fabricated by the government of the RPF tyrants in Kigali, which continues to traumatise Rwandan refugees around the world.

Mr Appolinaire Nsengiyumva is renowned for his humanitarianism, having been responsible for Rwandan refugees on Congolese soil at Runingo in South Kivu in the DRC for some time, helping them in accordance with international human rights standards governing refugees.

Knowing that the Kigali regime, as Human Right Watch (HRW) has rightly said in its report published on 09 October 2023, that Kigali’s policy is based on terror called “Accept to serve me or you will be killed”. It is obvious that he cannot tolerate a man like Mr Appolinaire who is honest, humble, truthful and impartial.

Your Excellency, Mr President of the Republic of Zambia, we ask you not to extradite the person concerned into the clutches of the killers, but rather to seek out all the necessary information for this gentleman, if possible to try him on the spot, since he cannot find independent justice in Kigali.

Otherwise, you run the risk of falling into Kigali’s trap, of being complicit in the mistreatment of innocent people. We believe that the example of Paul RUSESABAGINA should serve as a lesson to the various governments of the world, to humanitarian agencies and to human rights organisations, that no one could be lured again by the tricks of the leaders of Kigali.

In addition, we are also sounding the alarm to the international community, the great powers of this world, SADEC, non-governmental organisations and human rights organisations to intervene as soon as possible so that this gentleman can be saved before it is too late.

Remember that in Malawi a certain Mr Kanyoni was extradited on the fabricated identity of another criminal, but his fate remains unknown to this day. No doubt he is in Kigali’s torture surgery.

In Mozambique a certain Revocate Karemangingo was assassinated without any follow -up and a certain Cassien Ntamuhanga was kidnapped by Kigali in Mozambique and would be savagely killed in Kigali like his three little brothers, in RSA a certain Gen Nyamwasa was shot until now without any follow-up of this assassination attempt which occurred after the assassination of Col Kalegeya in the same country, etc.. What is being done in Rwanda is beyond comprehension.

When will these barbaric acts committed by the Kigali regime under the complacent eyes of world leaders in places of refuge and in Rwanda come to an end?



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