By Correspondent Reporter
LUMEZI Member of Parliament Munir Zulu says Zambians should rise and protect the country from criminals.

Zulu says although the task was not an easy one, it was incumbent upon Zambians to ensure that criminals are not allowed to steal public coffers.

In thanking the public over their encouragement as he faces the Anti – Corruption Commission (ACC) at Kapingila House at Kulima Tower tomorrow, Zulu has pointed out that the battle ahead could lead to lose of life.

“Let me take this moment to appreciate all of you that have sent me a message of encouragement during this period that the government has issued all kind of threats in public and in their private meetings. I also wish to appreciate my informants that you are very much appreciated and protected, we have duty to protect this country from criminals and its not an easy task, sometimes life is lost on this journey as you fight criminals as they have at many times used state apparatus to shield their criminal activities,” he stated.

Zulu has also dared government security wings to search his mobile phones, computers and his property, adding that the search was a dark expedition by those in leadership.

“May I also appreciate those that have been telling us what they intend to do in advance and what they want to search and where. We are a country that has well informed citizens and its only a fool who would be naive to keep anything that will expose some people on them. We dare say to whoever it is to come search my properties, computers and phones. Our documents are closer to where you eat from. As for those being used continue shooting in the dark, you may succeed in causing some discomfort on me and my family but there are a lot of people watching and listening quietly and are in possession of the same information. Tomorrow we are visiting the ACC with a peaceful mind. We are not malicious and neither are we mischievous,” stated Zulu.


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