Andrew Lubusha


EASTERN Province PF chairperson Andrew Lubusha has appealed to party members in Vubwi to encourage people to register as voters to avoid compromising results for next year’s polls.

Speaking when he donated K50,000 to party structures in Vubwi under the Andrew Lubusha Foundation on Thursday, Lubusha urged party members to explain to the people the importance of voter registration.

“Let me also make emphasis on the need for all of us to go flat out and tell our people on the need for them to go and register as voters. Any election is dependent on the number of registered voters, so let’s encourage our people to go and register or we risk compromising the results of next year’s polls,” he said. “We need to win next year’s elections with very impressive margins and those margins lie in the registration that we are doing right now.”

Lubusha urged party members to live well with the clergy and traditional leaders as they were key stakeholders in the stream of information dissemination and national development.

He appealed to the district leaders to work with the lower structures.

Lubusha said he was very much aware of the challenges that party leaders face when mobilising and at the same time take care of their families.

“Your commitment and dedication to the party inspires us to even work harder. It is for this reason that we do everything we can within our means to lobby and look for what may compliment your hard work. Better things are still coming, so remain committed,” he said. “Let us draw inspiration from President Edgar Lungu who is generous and hardworking. Let’s be reminded to extend this generosity to our communities. By so doing, we are honouring the words in the Bible which states that ‘Blessed is the hand that give’.”

Lubusha appealed to the beneficiaries of the empowerment programme to invest the money into productive ventures.

Recently, Lubusha donated a similar amount to Chipata district PF structures.


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