We Shall Not Let You And Your Peer Snakes Wreck Zambia For The Sake Of Your Bellies, Chris Zumani Tells Nevers Mumba


We shall not let you and your peer snakes wreck Zambia for the sake of your bellies, Chris Zumani tells Nevers Mumba

Chris Zumani writes:

To the effect that, I have watched Dr Nevers Mumba’s so-called national address, in the capacity I’m not sure of.

I don’t know whether the backsliden pastor and finished politician was addressing the nation in his capacity as Chief praise singer for HH or not?

Anyway, I would like Dr. Mumba to deny that he never used to benefit from President Edgar Lungu via Kaizar Zulu and Amos Chanda or indeed other aides?

I want him to deny that he didn’t betray Anderson Mazoka, Micheal Sata and the entire opposition alliance in 2003 when they sent him to meet President Levy Mwanawasa. Respond to this issue sir.

Can our dear backsliden Pastor deny that he wasn’t waxing in fat and luxury during President Lungu’s reign just like other MMD factions like Mutati.

Also, Dr Mumba claims that I’m a little known young man who has done nothing for the country. Well, that does not bother me at all. I have studied and taught political science at three different universities since 2004.

He calls me Mr, maliciously, when he knows l have a certificate, bachelor’s degree, masters and PhD degree all in political science. Malice will not change the fact that you are dangerous political snake any sensible sitting president must watch and pray when engaging you.

At the same time, I will not allow my age now at 45 years to limit me from pointing out the treachery, betrayal and double-speaking of irresponsible and ungrateful adults like you who unfortunately have served this country in senior capacities.

This country has had enough of such wrong elements in politics like you and we will not standby and watch you and your peer snakes wreck havoc and divide Zambia for the sake of your bellies.

We are here and we shall take you heard on! What I have given you Dr. Nevers Mumba is a top class integrity test.

So far, you have terribly failed at 15%-we shall ask your friend, HH to declare you a total moral disaster in terms of integrity standards.

Remember, l here and politics is what l am called for by heaven. If you don’t repent and change like Jonah, we are here to critically analyze and expose you.


  1. Chris is way too clever for Mumba or Hakainde.

    His articles are factual and intellectual. No graphs.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

    • Indigo Tyrol are you normal?
      Have you forgotten that Zumani was the strongest critic of ECL? You have forgotten that he was appointed in order to buy him? And since then after receiving more than a fair share of dollars, he changed like a chameleon to attack HH7.
      So the crook has no morality
      Vote wisely vote HH7 in 2026/31

    • Indigo Tryol fuseki yes Zumani is more intelligent and wiser than you all PF/ UKWA idiots full of bitterness and hatred. Zambia is not your garden ba idiot imwe. Your Zumani is too young and weak to fight Dr. Mumba and HH. Let your fellow PF idiot Zumani continue taunting innocent lesders and perish politically.

  2. Chris is a stupid jobless idiot who writes spiteful nonsense. You should be of low education to think that this frustrated baboon makes any sense in these in bitter articles. These malicious writings questions how much research he has done post PhD and indeed which university awarded him doctor of philosophy. The boy is nothing but a lunatic.
    2026 aluta continua with HH
    80% land slide.

  3. “We are here and will take you heard on”

    “Remember, I here and politics is what I am called for by heaven.”

    These are quotes from the writing of Zumani, the man with a PhD
    The first quote may be attributed to a typing error but the meaning of the second quote eludes me.

  4. I have said before. The buffoon is a useless chap who just used to parambulate carrying files at MFA without knowing what to do!!

  5. Indigo Tyrol is a half wit. This Chris Zumani is showing explicitly why our degrees now in Zambia are substandard. Imagine a student of Chris Zumani graduates from UNZA!!!! I am glad I was there before him and did a course twenty times better than political science mwe.

  6. It seems in Zambia, having a PhD is an end in itself and a mark of intelligence. Well, from the trash coming from Dr. Zumani, I beg to differ. Other than parading their PhDs, what have they contributed to the growth of our nation?

    I know of a number of PhD holders whose contribution to our country is beyond dispute. But for Dr. Zumani, other than his useless articles and misleading Mr. Lungu when he was political advisor, I don’t see any meaningful contribution he has made.

    Now, he is obsessed with the number 12 like a lunatic.

  7. This is what happens when you suddenly realized you studied wrong things. You resort to insults and disrespect because of frustrations!
    What value does the study of Political Science add to the nation?

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