Bowman Lusambo wrote;


It has been an absolute pleasure and humbling experience serving the Zambian people since 2016 as a Member of Parliament for Kabushi and firstly as Minister for the Copperbelt and until now as Minister for Lusaka Province.

I wish to immensely appreciate the role that his Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has played in my leadership journey and I will forever remain grateful for the love and trust he has always demonstrated towards me. How a simple boy from Chichele in Ndola has transformed into a national leader of huge influence can only be God’s doing and for that, I will forever sing His song.

As we dissolve Parliament, I wish to assure the Zambian people that as Ministers in the PF administration, we are merely going on leave and we shall be back after 90 days to continue with our transformational agenda for Zambia.


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