By Darius Choonya

Former Republican Edgar Lungu has told the family members of missing Petauke Central Member of Parliament, Emmanuel Jay Banda that he will use whatever means to find him.

Speaking when he met Mr. Banda’s sister Malengo Maanda, Mr. Lungu says, he alongside associates will ensure the missing lawmaker is found.

Shortly after the former President left Twin Palm Police Station after he was denied entry, some police officers fired teargas to disperse some Patriotic Front cadres, an incident that temporarily caused panic.

Mr. Banda allegedly disappeared in the early hours of Saturday 25th May, 2024 and has not been heard from since then.

Meanwhile, Police have since opened an inquiry, that the family is hopeful will lead to a positive outcome.


  1. Do we now have a parallel security system which works on criminal cases in Zambia? Some of these careless Statements will backfire even from a leagal. Standpoint.

    The insinuation of taking over the duties of a legitimate security investigation wing of governmemt is surprising.

    How will this be done without interferring on the current investigations instituuted by the law enforcement institutions. This type of thinking is not only worrying but suggests of taking matters into ones on hands. This is wrong and should be condemned strongly.

  2. There is nothing like a parallel legal system. If people think they are smart, you can even go to a medicine man to ask for bees to descend on the culprits so they have no peace until they disclose where JJ Banda is. The bees will be on their bodies till they disclose.

  3. The statements coming from UKA are beginning to connect some dots!
    This is increasingly becoming like a Staged abduction to dent the image of government!
    Reminds me of how Chilufya Tayali was sneaked out of the country by Ukalists.
    This could be a well-planned move, with many more to come.
    UPND must come out of slumber and take charge. We are not safe with the freedoms we have given thugs!
    They are becoming more daring every day! It’s time to tighten screws!
    When people begin to carelessly make statements before investigations are concluded, just know they know something. Pick them up to help with investigations and to substantiate their claims!


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