I’M WAITING FOR MUSOKOTWANE TO SUE ME, SAYS MUNIR … over the $250,000 bribe charge

Lumezi independent member of parliament Munir Zulu says he is waiting for Finance minister Dr Situmbeko Musokotw ane to take him to court for asserting that he and his Infrastructure colleague Charles Milupi received $250,000 bribes each from a named firm.

Responding to the Anti-Corruption Commission’s remarks that they are not investigating the two ministers but that they were open to receiving information from Zulu over his charges, Zulu struck a confident tone over his assertions saying he is not being malicious.

He said he will respond to the ACC at the right time as he has heard from Dr Musokotwane who is threatening to take action against him and that he has heard “rumours” from Milupi also.

“I want to see. First let them take me to court. If they don’t then I will give the ACC the information they need,” he said.

But asked why he couldn’t report the information he has with ACC, Zulu said Dr Musokotwane’s statement came… http://dailyrevelationzambia.com/im-waiting-for-musokotwane-to-sue-me-says-munir-over-the-250000-bribe-charge/


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