……………says stories about the money going to students is a blatant lie.

LUSAKA……Friday, 16 June 2023 (Smart Eagles)

Leader of Opposition in Parliament Brian Mundubile has announced that a Motion of Censure will be moved against Eng. Charles Milupi for telling lies in Parliament.

This is in relation to Eng. Milupi’s explanation on the floor of the House in his capacity as Acting Finance Minister that he had tendered a copy of a deposit slip of the K65 million which had reportedly gone Missing.

Hon Mundubile has told the media that Milupi committed a very serious offence against the rules of the house.

“He went against the order of Madam Speaker who told him to bring a deposit slip. He lied to the whole nation. He came with a bundle of documents, that did not contain the deposit slip. He has joined a list of Ministers whom we will censure for lying in Parliament. The minister has had an opportunity to come to the floor of the house twice and the deposit slip was not there. He thought from the bundle of documents he brought we were not going to go through,” he said.

And Hon Mundubile has wondered why the mysterious deposit slip has eluded everyone.

He said the only explanation that can be given is that the Money has allegedly been stolen by the UPND.

The Leader of Opposition mentioned that it is the reason Finance Minister Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane took leave and avoided embarrassment by trying to defend how the K65 Million was used.

“What is clear is that that sixty-five million was stolen. What the Investigative wings must do is to swing into action, the stories about the money going to the students is a lie.

The finance minister would have been caught up in trying to justify the 65 million as opposed to trying to negotiate Zambia’s debt. Hon Musokotwane continue on that trajectory. On that one hon Musokotwane we salute you; we have hope that there are one or two honest people in the UPND,’’ he said.

Meanwhile, Mufulira Central Lawmaker Hon Golden Mwila said from the various unsatisfactory explanations given, it is easy to conclude that the money was not spent for its intended purpose.

He said the opposition MPs will ensure that there is accountability on how the money was spent.

“Why the Anti-Corruption failed to avail the bank statement of the K65 Million before the Auditor General but it only took the Minister a few days to present it to parliament.

Whenever you see confusion like this just know that there is something fishy about it. The Zambians must know. This is not the PF matter but one raised by the office of the Auditor General,” he said.


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