Justice Prisca Mutimbwa Nyambe (RTD)


Education and Professional Qualifications

1982 Admitted as an Advocate of the High Court and Supreme Court of Zimbabwe

1978 Admitted as an Advocate of the High Court and Supreme Court of Zambia

1975 L.L.B. Degree with honours, University of Zambia

1) Judge of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (“Mechanism”)

2) Judge of the High Court of Zambia since 2006

Professional Experience:

2011 Elected Judge of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals

2006 judge of the High Court of Zambia

2005 Elected Judge ad litem of the ICTY

2002 – 2006 General Counsel to International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (“ICTR”)

2000 – 2002 Chief of Section, General Legal Services Section, ICTR1

996 – 2000 Senior Legal Officer, Chief Court Management Section, ICTR

1992 – 1996 Private Law Practice

1984 –1992 Legal Counsel to the Central Bank of Zambia

1980 – 1984 Senior Magistrate, Harare and Gwelo, Zimbabwe

1978 – 1980 Resident Magistrate, Kabwe, Zambia

Special assignments other work experience:

2004 Chairperson of a Study Group constituted by the Acting Chief Justice of Zambia on the Establishment of Divisions of the High Court of Zambia

2009 Project Leader: Initiative by the Zambia Judiciary to extend jurisdiction on Serious Economic Crimes and Corruption Cases from the Magistrates’ Court to the High Court

2008 Collaborator on a Direct Contact Mission to the Republic of Ethiopia on behalf of the International Labour Organization (“ILO”), Geneva

2007 Undertook a Mission for the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights, Geneva, to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (“DRC”): “Justice for Victims of Sexual Violence in Congo”, special focus on Bunia, Ituri District

1995 Human Rights Expert/International Observer, under the International Commission of Jurists to the Trial of Former President of Malawi Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda and two others on Trial for Human Rights Violations

1994 Human Rights Expert/International Observer, under the International Commission of Jurists to the Multi-Party, Presidential and Parliamentary Elections, Malawi

1993 Human Rights Expert/International Observer under the International Commission of Jurists, and Coordinator of the United Nations Observer Mission to Malawi during the National Referendum on the Future Political System for Malawi


1994 Member of the Board of Directors of Cavemont Merchant Bank, (Z) Ltd

1994 Board Member of the Zambia Revenue Authority, Vice-Chairperson

1993 Member of a Study Group appointed by the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Zambia to review and reform the Financial System in Zambia

1992 Appointed Commissioner, Elections Commission of Zambia, by the President of the Republic of Zambia

1991 Founder and Board Member of the Zambia Elections Independent Monitoring Team (“ZIMT”)

1989 Member of Parliamentary Fact-finding Committee of Legal Experts – Appointed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Zambia, to investigate and report on any discriminatory Laws against women in Government and State owned Enterprises

2016 Founding & Board Member Amref Health, Africa, Zambia

Elective Positions

1982 – 1994 Elected Council Member, Law Association of Zambia

1992 Elected Patron, University of Zambia Law Association

1994 – 1996 Elected Vice-Chair Person of Law Association of Zambia


24 February 2014

Judges’ Symposium by the Zambia Law Development Commission: “Re­thinking Zambia’s Criminal Justice System“

24 – 26 May 2002

(Arusha, Tanzania)
Participant at a seminar on African Dialogue: “Promoting Justice and Reconciliation in Africa challenges for Human Rights and Development”, organized by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

16 – 20 June 1997
(Geneva, Switzerland)
Ecumenical Centre, Bossy, Canton of Geneva, Switzerland Participant to a Working Group on “Developing Joint Procedures and Standards for the ICTR/ICTY, Witness Protection Programs”, organized by the Coordination of Women’s Advocacy

6 – 8 April 1998 (Geneva, Switzerland)
International Labour Office, Geneva, Switzerland Participant in “Women, War and Justice Symposium”

April – May 1994 (Malawi, countrywide)
Conducted a series of workshops/seminars for NGOs, Political Parties on their role in observing and monitoring elections in a Multiparty Environment, Civic Education Seminars/Workshops throughout Malawi, on the role of Law Enforcement Officers during and after multiparty elections

6 – 8 July 1994 (Windhoek, Namibia)
Participant in a seminar on “Promoting Democracy Human Rights and Development” by the Commonwealth Secretariat

May 1993 (Malawi, Countrywide)
Conducted a series of workshops/seminars for church leaders, NGOS, and the public on the “The Secrecy of the Ballot and Universal Suffrage”

December 1993 (Bonn, Germany)
Participant to the Seminar “Promoting Human Rights and Participation in Africa”, by the German Foundation for International Cooperation

November 1993 (Zambia, Countrywide)
Conducted a series of lectures/TV interviews for Police/Prison Officers on the Role of the Judiciary, Police, Prison Officers and the Press in a Democracy, under the auspices of the Law Association of Zambia

October 1993 (Nanyuki, Kenya)
Participant at a seminar on “Promoting Greater Political Participation” by the National Democratic Institute (“NDIUSA”) and the Kenya Education Centre for Women

February 1993 (Stockholm, Sweden)
Participant at a seminar on “Development Cooperation for Human Rights and Democracy” by the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department for International Development Cooperation and Human Rights

February 1993 (Maseru, Lesotho) Resource person at a workshop on the “Role of Women in Preparing Monitoring and Observing Elections”

1992 As Patron of the University of Zambia Law Association held a Seminar on the theme: “Women and Children ‘s Rights in Zambia, the Future “

September 1987 (Nairobi, Kenya)
Represented LAZ at the Regional Meeting of the Federation of Women Lawyers, Africa and the Middle East held in Nairobi, Kenya

September 1987 (Nairobi, Kenya)
Represented LAZ at the Regional Meeting of the Federation of Women Lawyers, Africa and the Middle East held in Nairobi, Kenya from 7 – 10 September 1987 on the theme: “Law and Shelter”

November 1986 (Lusaka, Zambia)
As Council Member of LAZ, organized a Joint Seminar between the African Bar Association and the International Commission of Jurists (“ICJ”) on the theme: “The Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession”, held in Lusaka from 10 – 14 November 1986

August 1985 (Lusaka, Zambia)
As Council Member of Law Association of Zambia, organized “The African Bar Association Fifth Biennial Conference in Lusaka from 12 – 19
August 1985“

June 1981 (Harare, Zimbabwe)
Resource Person at a Women’s Conference on “Advancement of Women in the Judiciary” organized by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Zimbabwe

Professional Memberships

Magistrates & Judges Commonwealth Association, International Association of Women Judges


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