Why are we begging ? You had adequate national maize stock reserves, you exported it- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba
Why are we begging 🥣?

1. You had adequate national maize stock reserves, you exported it.

2. FISP has always been a savior, you engaged in disruptive and corrupt behaviour, bangled the distribution of farming inputs, three years in a roll.

3. You continously engaged in wasteful expenditure such undertaking 67 unnecessary international trips.

5. You delibetately gave away revenue from the mining sector and the annual revenue has dropped from $1.1billion in 2019 ,2020 and 2021,to a paltry $250million a year.

6. Even opportunities such as the sale of Mopani Copper Mines which has earned ridiculous and scandalous transaction fees of $15.7million to Rothschild &Co and Baker McKenzie, is so bad that no money is coming into the Treasury. The $620million price for the 51% Mopani Copper Mine shares is a mere investment pledge into the capital projects and operation capital for the mine, investment that should be separate from the share sale price.

7. In July 2023, the Famine Early Warning Systems Network( FEWS NET) warned of the impending El NiƱo weather phenomenon and impending food insecurity that would affect Southern Africa in 2024. You kept on exporting the maize.

In November 2023, FEWS-NET again warned of the severe dry spells that would occur in January and February 2025, what did you do with this information? You didn’t advise the farmers and even scaled up the export of maize.

Awe teti muchinchile lilya kawa!

7. Even when you have been warned that six million people may be affected by the famine, your priorities and focus remain in fighting and decimating the Opposition, abusing human rights, closing the democratic and media space and continously engaging in wasteful expenditure.

When we remind you of what ought to be national priorities, you accuse us of politicizing matters.


Stop begging, deal with the crisis.


  1. With all the revelations of stolen moneys being recovered from team members and still hardened and unable to have self introspect and some shame for causing the very problems we are facing.

    What type of uncaring people are these. Who after openly confirming that they stole and also shamelessly wanting sympathy because they have been caught.

    Some of these people don’t deserve any mercy. They need to serve their time in jail for theft and criminality.

    Surely God can not be mocked. Everyone will reap what they have sown.

    What a messed up society where thugs walk away after being caught stealing millions while another poor thug stealing a loaf of bread to eat is jailed for 8 years. Where is the justice in this sick process. Why not get the stolen goods and also jail the thief. Whats is wrong with this? Can some one explain this madness.

  2. Emmanuel Mwamba ur just one of those useless people in pf who doesn’t care about
    the entire country called zambia. $24,000.000 was embezzled by Lumgu from KCM under pf and ur smiling and yet another scandal by ECL ‘s daughter who can’t account how she amassed her wealth. The entire pf is quite . Ur shameless group of pompwezi

  3. Foolish man.
    You can’t store maize forever….it can get rotten over a period of time.
    What was wrong in offloading old stock …
    Sure sure ….some people need a check up

    • On top of that the defunct TuPF criminals never paid farmers for years and they looted the Treasury
      ND government had no choice but to sell some of the maize to pay farmers who are happy and not complaining but they will grow even more maize


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