Dear Editor,

Yesterday Zambia was rocked with the news of our beloved first President Kenneth Kaunda’s death. We got the news from private media, from friends posts on Facebook, Twitter, South African news channels , BBC . ..everywhere but our own Government sources. I even tried going to President Edgar Lungu’s facebook page but alas only to find campaign posts. ZNBC was totally useless with just broadcasting PF campaign adverts.

The headline news on ZANIS NEWS on TV1 at 20hrs was – Matero level 1 hospital overwhelmed!!No mention at all about the passing of our first President.

What kind of people do we have running the country!! Are you telling me that President Lungu was not able to receive verified communications whilst he was in Western Province flagging off the 2021 Crop marketing programme? Why did it take him so long to issue a statement.

I am disappointed with our Government and terrified at the levels of incompetency exhibited.

Disgusted Zambian.

Rest in Peace our Beloved KK


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