As the National Assembly prepares to resume sitting, it has become increasingly clear that Bill 10 will be topical.

The Bill has stirred strong debate with some analysts saying it is Draconian, as it would surrender all the power to the executive.

It is alleged that if passed, Zambia would become a Constitutional dictatorship.

Meanwhile, as if to confirm its sinister motives, the ruling party is fighting tooth and nail to have it passed.

They are throwing everything into the fight.

Whatever is in the Bill, will benefit PF in a greater way, some have noted.

Prominent human rights activist Laura Miti says the Bill would benefit PF and not citizens.

“I have asked before and ask again- why does the Edgar Lungu administration so desperately want Bill 10 to pass?

“They have bullied, persuadeed, lied, begged, nothing else has ever seen such attention, even the falling economy,” she says.

Meanwhile, deputy government chief whip Tutwa Ngulube said the ruling party will count on the NDC vote, plus 12 independents and some UPND members of parliament to pass Bill 10.

Ngulube said members of parliament do not represent the party but the people who elect them into office.

Speaking to a local publication, Ngulube said the ruling party has enough numbers to pass the contentious Constitutional Amendment Bill Number 10 of 2019, when Parliament resumes sittings on June 09, 2020.


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