By David Zulu

Zambia will today erupt in ecstatic euphoria as though a Presidential victory has been declared. This was all designed by PF’s investment in the ‘hate HH project’ where he was demonised and made to look like a subhuman. But this has all backfired badly against the ruling party. President Lungu’s filing in resembled a solemn function in a funeral parlour. When HH files in his nomination this afternoon, he will provide a stark contrast.

People around the country will will dance, roll on the ground and literary shed tears of joy and relief, that after so many snares laid and pitfalls dug against HH, from Treason trial to Market fires, gassing, attempt at privatisation commission of enquiry, Pheluna and Milton Hatembo Kalomo Farm debacle, nothing has stopped an innocent man from exercising his democratic right to aspire for public office of the Republican Presidency.

Along this onerous, back-breaking and oppressive journey, HH’s life has been spared by the mercies of God. But others have perished through the schemes of these evil men and women. Hundreds died in gassing around the country. Mapenzi Chibulo, Lawrence Banda, Joseph Kaunda and Nsama Nsama were slain by bullets of snipers while young Vespers Shimuzila chocked with tear smoke.

These evil schemes by PF have ironically provided an unstoppable trajectory for HH that will today culminate into exuberant celebrations that will choke the PF with envy. It’s a journey worthy celebrating but it should arm the UPND with determination to fight a battle that has just began. May God heal our land.188131728_339654160850651_2972622126893536764_n


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