By Stembridge Sikalundu

The LUNGU’S are still associated to active politics ,when the family is supposed to be reserved because of the kinds of people surrounding their wealth empire , the LUNGU’S has allowed wealth mongers around the family instead of genuine statesman and women , the name is still being used in many irresponsible rhetoric statements of Political nature and they have allowed it . The family should not have been this passive before or after serving this country in the highest office.

We can imagine the kinds of people that are still living very close to the LUNGU’S now who are not different to the thugs that were in govt and at party levels, it should take one wise person in the family to realise that what is being exposed about them may be coming from the same people that have lived with them , but because they have a serious fallout now , some people are still living dangerously by being closer to the LUNGU family .

What we can’t deny is that the LUNGU’S are now among the wealthiest families in the country and being the former first family , the composition is still a source of energy for others , most people have found it possible to earn a living out of this family , some continue to use loyalty of stupidity to get what they want , others are sympathisers because they will be kept longer around them . In most countries former first families go into restriction and quietness after having been at the helm of power for obvious reasons .

It is very unfortunate that circumstances that have been prevailing since the LUNGU’S lost power is that they still wanted to exist like an empire of excellence and elite in zambia . Who did the family choose to be with after moving out of state house ?, did they sought to have credible people that would straight away put this family on one accord ?, who is still there around them if it is not the love for their wealth ?, If they want peace and resolve what kind of people do we expect around them ?.

It is going to be more difficult for the LUNGU’S because they have wealth they can’t manage on their own and the most unfortunate part is that they did not expect to have it , it is too huge for the family because it mashfoomed without a track record , achievement had no specific time frame for assessment and acknowledgement , it was a situation of have this get this and what do you want .

We have some responsible senior citizens in this country , unfortunately the LUNGU’S created more enemies than friends ,they destroyed many bridges they needed to use now , it is never too late to search for the right people to offer counseling to the LUNGU’S , we can see them breaking ,we expected them to be stronger than before with power or out of power because being privilaged does not cause to committing abuse of authority in doing things .

Very few zambians will offer public sympathy to the LUNGU’S because of the kind of life during his tenure in office , it is time to reflect and see the end of things , let genuine people help the LUNGU’s , others are still using their name for self reasons and the family has not come out publicly to stop people from doing so , that has compromised their family position in society after moving out from the highest office position , the pressers have no dignity and substance to rebuild the name of the LUNGU’S , and those advising to do so are just leaches of the same wealth of the LUNGU’s. God bless mother Zambia .



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