By Dr Nevers Sekwila Mumba
So, arising from my post yesterday ( which a lot of PF leaning readers chose to misunderstand), there’s been some backclash on social media. One such case is where a gentleman called Chanoda Ngwira has gone to town issuing careless comments and statements both on my own wall and all over social media.

I have one simple response to Chanoda, and plenty folk like him:


There is a very good reason that women, for a very long time avoided being in the public eye and in particular, they never sought political office. It is the very reason that most believers, or people that come from resectable professional backgrounds avoided getting into the public eye.

It is because of the spurious and callous disregard most politicians have for others, and the blatant use of lies, insults and cheap tactics of intimidation and threats, and where possible, blackmail to try and break the resolve of those that may think differently. All these tools, are firmly at your disposal Mr. Chanoda Frackson Ngwira.

Just remember that you are too late!

Too late to break the resolve of somebody that has been to the top of the mountain and come back…
Too late to intimidate someone that has stood up to people more powerful that you can ever imagine…
Too late to take away a resolve that is anchored in four simple words, Zambia Shall Be Saved.

I neither cower from, nor get moved by, your type of politics.

I have been to prison, been tear-gassed, have climbed walls escaping gunshots, been to over twenty Police Stations and all the levels of our Courts/Legal system over a span of time, all in the pursuit of Justice and a better Zambia for all.

There is nothing I see in you apart from a disgruntled, over compensated, immature young man, who dares to threaten someone as good as his own father, just because the source of his ill gotten wealth is under threat.

Ba Chanoda, muyi cheme!

Your threats mean nothing to me. I Fear God only, not man. And if God says I should advise President Lungu, or President Hichilema I do it without skipping a beat.

I know you very well Mr. Chanoda Ngwira and I know who you work with and the interests you are protecting from the truth.

I have an entire body of believers behind me, and while they may not be as loud as you are, they remain firm and resolved in their defence of what is right, I can assure you, TAKE OUT NEVERS MUMBA today, and you will have a million other ZAMBIANS of a moral character to take up my place. Zambia shall never again allow itself to be presided upon by a regime as brutal, careless and destructive as what you and your paymasters showed.

IYO INSHITA, YALIPWA. It is really, a New Dawn!


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